In this months video we look at Pi Chuan. This is one of the Five Elements of Xing Yi Chuan, it represents the element of Metal and is connected to the Lungs.
Pi Chuan is a force that lifts and then sinks, mimicking the movement of an axe when chopping wood. The legs and body could be said to be the handle, the arms and hands are the head.
For the most part the force of Pi comes up the back and drops down the front, this is the opposite to Dwan Chuan that sinks down the back and rises up the front.
Pi Chuan is often seen as the primary force to practice in Xing Yi alongside Beng Chuan.
If you practice this video, play close attention to the spiralling of the hips and the shoulders but also the direction of the force. Pi rising and then sinking, Dwan from below and rising. At first it can be easier to work on the spiralling and force direction separately and then combine them when you’re ready.
Another thing you can do is hold the postures for a minute or two before moving to the next one. Once again, be sure to maintain the coiling and direction of force even when still. The outside of the body does not move, the inside is in motion.